- Joyce (JOY) Be Lynda Russaw

Do we understand Freedom?

We have not owned freedom long enough to know how it should be used. It does not matter what group you share a bloodline with; you have not experienced freedom. We live within boundaries of rules, laws, and biases controlled by others. When rules are obstacles to progress, success, or well-being_ they are designed for 'we thee people.' When you make these rules_ you are the problem.

You do not need to beat down or oppress others to maintain your position when free. Some think being in power means being free to do as they please, but as an earthly being_ there is no freedom. As a nation's citizen, you are always accountable to someone else. The new slavery is not just in professional sports but at the highest level.   Those who lobby members of power in government to do their bidding_ are slaveholders. Those who consent to gifts of money and trips on private jets and yachts are enslaved people_ owned and controlled. They cannot escape the wrath of the donors. Our legislators spend days working on laws that cause pain- they ban books, take away programs that aid the welfare and development of children, kill programs that endanger a pregnant woman's life ( poor Mary), act against healthcare for all, make guns legal for everyone, and they enjoy it.

Thankfully, Humankind's bloodline runs through Africa and straight to Christ. He created supreme law and holds more power than we could imagine. He is awake and watching the crimes against women, children, the innocent, and the obedient__ wait patiently on the Lord.

It takes time to understand and grow into freedom. We must rid the spirit of any satanic influence_ and give this world back to GOD!

Guiding Thought

For all things received because of God’s grace- the world’s people should be grateful. He blesses the undeserving, created laws for the disagreeable, and he watches over all things. Even if suffering comes, it is by his grace and mercy- you survive.  Everything comes from God.

As imperfect humans- we may believe we are entitled to God's blessings, but we do not deserve anything we receive from him. When you examine your life, your sins, decisions you made, how you treat others, the laws, rules and principles that guide your life and behavior… You will understand God’s Grace.

KNOW that your blessings, all that you have and all that you are_ comes from the grace of God.


You are never alone

When unfortunate circumstance come into your life, you may experience a type of physical shock that leaves you disoriented. Physical shock can slow your thinking and delay your response to what is happening.

You may experience anxiety, panic, or a sense that life is out of control. But life is never out of control when your walk is with God. The Lord has assured all of his children- that if or when you pass through troubled waters, he is with you. He walks with you through rivers, and will not allow them to sweep over you. If satan attacks you and you experience hell on earth_ the flames will not consume you.

When you live a righteous life, you are never alone. I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. Keep God in you sights and keep moving forward- armed with the words of the Holy Spirit.

 It does not matter what life throws your way. When you walk with God, you can be victorious.

Blocking Bad Thoughts

How do you keep bad thoughts from taking over your mind? I'll be fine for a while, but then something will trigger my imagination and I'll start dwelling on things I know I shouldn't be thinking about. God must be very disappointed in me. How can I break this cycle?

You’ve already taken the first step by admitting you have this problem — and not only admitting it but also realizing it’s wrong and wanting to do something about it.

 Remember, God is just as concerned about our thoughts as He is about our actions, and He doesn’t want evil thoughts to occupy our minds. One reason God destroyed the world in Noah’s time was because “every inclination of the thoughts of his (man’s) heart was only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). Evil thoughts lead to evil deeds — and even when they don’t, they focus our hearts on evil rather than good.

 How can you conquer bad thoughts, whatever form they take? Begin by turning to God and submitting your whole life — including your mind to Jesus Christ. If you have never done so, confess your sins to Him today, and by faith ask him to come into your heart.

 Then fill your mind with God’s truth. In other words, don’t just empty your mind of evil thoughts, but fill it with good thoughts — in other words, with God’s truth as it is found in the Bible. Make the Bible part of your life every day, and memorize as much of it as you can. Then when evil thoughts come into your mind, immediately turn your attention to God’s promises and His Love for you. The Bible says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11).


In it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the Righteous man shall live by faith.”

 -Romans 1:17

 Many of you worry about the uncertainties in life. We learn early in adulthood that worry solves no problems and causes stress.  There will be situations in life that test your faith; these tests will push you to draw nearer to Christ. Preparing for uninvited trials teaches Christians the importance of maintaining an intimate relationship with the Father.

 Live your days from faith to faith.  Faith- nurtured daily- develops strength and courage and assures you are not alone in any situation. Your past experience dealing with the obstacles confronting you proves that God will bring you through. So_ there is no need for wavering faith or fear of the unknown_ turn your life over to the Creator who planned your birth, journey, and departure from earth_ He knows best.