I pay homage to the ancestors in my daily prayers. Their life journey began from the very roots of the Tree of Life. They are God's first creations, and we are the beneficiaries of their struggles and accomplishments. Future generations will be direct descendants of what we achieve for the betterment of humankind and the earth.
If you believe that your ancestors are dead and gone, I can assure you that their spirits are still near. Human beings are bodies that hold a soul. Your soul is the part of you that consists of your mind, character, thoughts, and feelings. As George MacDonald said, "You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." A soul is what is required. Repeatedly in the Bible, people are referred to as "souls" (Exodus 31:14; Proverbs 11:30) in contexts that focus on the value of human life and personhood or the concept of a "whole being" (Psalm 16:9-10; Ezekiel 18:4; Acts 2:41; Revelation 18:13). When death comes, the soul returns to God. The spirit is free and roams the earth until it is at peace.
Places where mass death occurred hold a spiritual energy. The waterways of the world where millions of Africans/Egyptians died in transport from Africa to the Americas_ hold the spiritual energy of the stolen souls _ and are thrown overboard for inhumane reasons. The ovens of the Holocaust, the trail of tears, have a spiritual energy. Some of this energy is good, while others are restless and still seek retribution.
When you are spiritually aware and open to visits, you, too, can receive visitations. There is nothing to be ashamed of, and you shouldn't feel uncomfortable about your experience. It means you are operating according to God's law and the universe, and departed spirits are watching over you. They grace you with their spiritual presence to reassure you that they are always close. It is a gift that can be a blessing.
We believe God controls the world and all things. The seasons change, the waterways purge themselves of impurities, and the air is self-cleansing. God created an earth that can survive eons into the future.
The toxic air, polluted waterways, and changing climate are the result of human greed and indifference. Humankind is turning from the values that sustain a healthy earth as some turn their backs on God. When you turn away from Christ, you fail to share responsibility for maintaining a healthy earth. Today, we pollute at a faster rate than the earth can cleanse itself. We cut more trees to build more buildings to make money.
All the money in the world is of no benefit if there is no earth, product, or object to create a monetary exchange. Believers in false idols, materialism, and greed must renounce these things to follow Christ. The love of money can turn friends into enemies, lawmakers and judges into white-collar criminals, and God’s house into a house of ill repute.
We are beyond believing in the power of God _ WE KNOW!!
We are AWAKE; we are AWARE of The ALL-POWERFUL triple threat. We who genuinely believe know him as a jealous God with no tolerance for disobedience. We can save the world by following God’s law. We can save our souls through respect and obedience to the Holy Trinity.
We can create a better home for all humanity.
Try new things.
Learn new things.
Connect with a new person.
Stop doing things that have lost meaning or relevance.
Write a description of your best future self (not your best life). ...
Express gratitude for two things every time you notice yourself complaining.
Develop your spirit through yoga, meditation, or adult education
Find a mentor or life coach
Attend a retreat
Adult learning
Learn to play a musical instrument