- Joyce (JOY) Be Lynda Russaw

“The way of the Lord is strength for the upright.”

—Proverbs 10:29, NKJV

Because God is the giver and source of life, He has a legitimate claim upon our lives. He is our heavenly Father, and He has the right to expect us to be His loyal and loving children. Because I am His child, He also longs to have fellowship with me.

The story of the prodigal son (which you can read in Luke 15:11–32) is a revelation of God’s desire for human fellowship. He yearns over His children who have wandered far from Him and longs for them to come home and be near to Him.

All through the Bible we see God’s patience and perseverance as He pursues misguided and obstinate men and women—men and women who were born to a high destiny as His sons and daughters, but who strayed from His side. From Genesis to Revelation, God is constantly saying, “Return to Me, and I will return to you.”

No matter how far you have strayed, God still loves you, and He wants to welcome you home—forever.


When you serve, you are not tied to the outcome.  You are not invested in what people do as a result of what you do, or what people think about what you are doing.  You give what you have because it makes you feel good. You give what you have- knowing that the unique way in which you do what you do_ will make someone else feel good.

 You may never know in this lifetime how your works and contributions made in love impact others.  However, when you give a service, this is not your concern.  You do what you do because you love to do it.  Whatever you love to do will touch somebody.

 Service, as a spiritual principle, does not imply or import poverty.  Many serve for recognition, a trophy, or earthly praise. That type of service may help others, but it is selfish and un-godly. God loves a cheerful giver, not one looking for accolades. Service brings rewards both on earth and in the after-life. But the approval of Jesus Christ is the key to the gates of heaven.

 Do what you love! Do it with passion!  Do it with the understanding that if you are never rewarded with money or recognized by the public, you are making a valuable contribution to others.  Shift your focus from money to love.  When you have love, you want to give of yourself.  When you give of yourself for the sake of love, the impersonal, perfect laws of the universe demand that you must be rewarded tenfold.


 July 24, 2024

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
-Leo Buscaglia

 It is easy to underestimate the power of simple acts of kindness or their impact. A gentle touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, can  be received by someone who is in a dark place in life. You may be the angel sent_ to shed light into their darkness. Although we believe it can be unsafe to show a person kindness, your spirit may sense that persons energy and feel they are in a dark place.

We must not overestimate the power of acts like these—you are not going to solve anyone's problems with a listening ear, or completely turn their lives around with a smile_ but we must not underestimate the power of these acts to lift the spirit of another who may feel alone.

 The things that turn people's lives around generally are a bunch of good things together, and our smile or compliment will be a part of a greater whole, a whole that gives someone hope or peace, and that would be incomplete without our contribution.

 Mr. Buscalgia quote reminds us that we do have power to help others, to make them feel good about life and living. And if we do have that kind of power in our hands, shouldn't we use it more?

September 21, 2018

Ask God for strength and courage that you may not be fearful.  Fear is an enemy, it will cause you to see trouble when there is none. Carrying the weight of daily living, along with the craziness of the world, all of us are affected by the negative energy. When someone says they are not, they are in denial. No matter how strong you are, continuously receiving negative energy takes a toll.

 If you follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, you will learn that He was always present in life’s chaotic moments. Not the cause, but the Master that turned chaos into calm. When He is for you, nothing can successfully come against you and succeed. Think of Daniel in the lion’s den, Jonah in the belly of a whale, and one of the most memorable stories from the book of Matthew. Jesus and the disciples were on a boat in the middle of a storm, the disciples had their faith being challenged and they began to doubt. They awakened Jesus and asked.. Master, doth thou not care that we perish? Oh, yea of little Faith. Jesus, softly said, Peace.. be still.

 We can conclude that Jesus has authority over the elements of nature.  Jesus has authority over—sickness, demons, death, and sin. That covers everything that may enter your life and is proof that you are never alone. No reason to fear, it is fear that shows a lack of faith. Be strong in the Lord and stay prayed up. He has a plan for you and it shall come to past.

 He is not just a king over the people of Israel; rather, He is king over all living beings as well.  Simply ask God to help you live fearlessly and to cover you in the blood of His Son, JESUS.

August 18, 2018

When you hesitate, or take time to reconsider, it can derail what you are working to accomplish. There will be opportunities available to you that will require immediate action and if you hesitate, the prize is lost. These are the situations that require a constant state of preparedness on your part. You may believe that great thought and analysis is required, but your life’s journey has prepared you for anything that crosses your path. Your life’s journey_ is your guide for living your best future.

 Family, public education, church, neighborly togetherness provided a solid foundation of preparedness. You were taught information, you learned to think and formulate your own opinions, you learned the value of God’s gifts. If you continued to college or the military, you learned discipline, responsibility and independence. The education you received through the “World University,” has given you tools that are invaluable. Tools needed to answer any knock on the door and move forward.

 There will be times when you will need to pause, analyze data to make a professional decision that impact others. Life allows that, but in the world of transition and uncertainty, you may be faced with a mandatory evacuation, a job transfer, or a WOW opportunity that is your dream... you are prepared and must make quick decisions.

 Life requires it.

 October 5, 2018

Delight yourself in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

It has always been to our advantage to wait patiently on the Lord. Regardless of your situation, no matter how heavy the burden_ when you take it to the Lord in prayer_ there is peace. Walking with the Lord does not mean you won’t feel lost, but He gives you “HOPE” that hard times and situations_ will pass.

 In this life, you may get bumped and bruised, but that does not mean that you are forgotten or alone. Imagine how boring it would be if you had everything you wanted and needed.. more money so that you have no bills, the perfect spouse and children, and the perfect job. The richest people in the world get bored with what their wealth allows them to have and do and some venture outside the norm to find pleasure.

 There is no perfect life, there may be some people who have less struggle, lighter burdens, and good relations, but nobody has it all. That is how God created the earth and all inhabitants, He wanted us to need Him. He wanted our life to be filled with variety so that we learn, grow and develop spiritually. He knew that we would have challenges beyond our ability to solve them, He created humans to live interdependently, but for all to be dependent on Him. 

 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not to your own understanding. He knows everything, sees everything, evildoers shall be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.